Parish & Family Life

Parish and Family Life fosters a loving perspective in Church and society that promotes ministry to, with, by, and for individuals and families in all adult stages of life.

Scripture Study

Father Don's Scripture Study meets every Tuesday evening to review and study the readings for the upcoming Sunday liturgy. Anyone is welcome to attend these meetings on Tuesday 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm currently by Zoom.  Please contact Michelle Parker at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  for more information.


Our mission is to help our parishioners grow in their faith, knowledge, and love of God by providing books, audiobooks, DVDs, and music CDs to inspire, teach, and entertain.

Library resources may deal directly with topics such as the Church and its teachings, parenting, peer pressures, coping with grief and other challenges in life. They may deal indirectly with these topics by telling stories of individuals who are faced with difficult situations, but choose not to be mastered by them, but rather to struggle for what is right and good.
Would you like to help? Volunteers are needed to staff the Library.  If interested, please call our main line 804-272-2948.

Parish Life also seeks to build fellowship among our parishioners and the larger community. We can best build God's kingdom by first coming together as a community in joy and concern for each other.  The following groups are currently meeting:

Knights of Columbus

St. Edward’s Council #6546 was founded in 1974. The St. Edward’s Council works closely with St. Edward the Confessor Parish and St. Edward-Epiphany School, providing support and funds for various ministries, scholarships, and charities.  Our members are active participants in the parish, school, and community. If you questions or wish to contact the us, visit our facebook page  If you are interested in joining the Knights, visit our online membership at

Ladies Auxilary

All ladies are cordially invited to join our group in fellowship!
The Ladies Auxiliary of Knights of Columbus Council #6546 meet in fellowship to support each other, conduct fundraisers to benefit our various charities, and to support the Knights of Columbus and our parish community in many of their endeavors.
The Auxiliary is open to all interested Christian women. The meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month (September to June). 

Annually, we have special fundraisers such as our Italian Pasta Night in January. All proceeds from Auxiliary fundraisers go directly to our various charities or St. Edward the Confessor Church and/or St. Edward/Epiphany Catholic School. A list of charities is available upon written request. The Auxiliary also helps organizations and families with special needs upon written request and submission.

For information, contact:  Christina Neiswander, President, 804.514.8739

St. Gianna's Moms' Group

Join us for monthly fellowship at local restaurants, faith development with regular book/Bible studies, or weekly playgroup with the little ones.  All are welcome - grandmothers, caregivers, new moms, moms of all ages!  For more information & to join the newsletter:  email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and/or search St. Gianna's Moms' Group on Facebook.

Men of St. Joseph

An association of Christian men, united under the Catholic Church, who meet weekly to pray together and encourage each other to be the spiritual leaders of their families.

  • Fridays 7:00 am - 8:00 am  In the Chapel                                                 

Bible Chicks

Tuesdays, 10:00-11:30am, in the Church Nursery. This program is coordinated by Mary Jo Leverette.


For more information on these groups or other opportunities, feel free to contact Sherri Gravins at 804-864-4706 or by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..






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