We invite you to consider becoming involved in the life and mission of St. Edward the Confessor Catholic Church. The prayer for all who visit us here is that God will continue to bless and strengthen you with His abiding love and peace. Journeying as a Catholic community, we embrace the mission of Jesus Christ, striving to live and spread Jesus' message of love, sharing our gifts through discipleship, liturgical celebration, spiritual formation and outreach.


  • Upcoming Services

    Rest in Peace

    Mary Jo Dash - Funeral Mass on Thursday, January 23, at 1:00 p.m.; Visitation at 12:00 p.m.

  • Winter Weather Policy

    Monday - Friday: If St. Edward-Epiphany School (SEES) is closed due to inclement weather, then 9am Daily Mass will be canceled, and the Parish Office will be closed. If SEES has a delayed opening, check here or our Facebook page for the Daily Mass and Parish Office schedule.

    The Weekend Mass and livestream schedule may be adjusted. Check here or our Facebook page for updates.

  • Welcome to St. Edward!

    If you're interested in joining our parish, please click here and fill out the registration form!

  • Subscribe to Flocknote


    Call the office at 804.272.2948 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to be added to the Weekly Parish Update email.




Regular Mass Schedule
Saturday:  5:00 pm

Sunday:    7:15 am
               8:45 am 
              11:15 am (Livestreamed)
               5:00 pm


9:30 am, M-F

Saturday 4:00 pm

Daily Mass
9:00 am, M-F (Livestreamed)

 2700 Dolfield Drive
North Chesterfield, VA 23235
Phone: (804) 272-2948
Fax: (804) 560-3565



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