Pastoral Care
Saint Edward the Confessor Parish aspires to offer caring, compassionate service to those who are in need and reach out to this community, ie. cards, visits, etc.
Contact Pat Plonski at 864-4701 to learn more about how to be involved in this ministry.
Ministry to the Homebound
Often we feel our time could be used in more meaningful ways. If you have some time to share and ask “is it I Lord?” we could use your gifts in the Eucharistic Ministry to the Sick and Homebound. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Pat Plonski or call her at 864-4701 for more information on this beautiful outreach and expression of Christ’s love to those who can’t always be present with us.
Assisted Living/Nursing-home Ministry
Assisted living facilities within our parish bounds are visited on a weekly basis by volunteers who bring Eucharist and spend time with the Catholic residents.
Belles and Beaus are a volunteer singing group who also provide a presence through providing song to lift the voices and hearts of residents! Also, we come together for a seasonal Mass in facilities within our parish boundary. Watch the bulletin for dates and places of these Masses and join us!
Any inquiries about this ministry outreach can be directed to Pat Plonski 864-4701.
Prayer Blanket Ministry
We gather monthly to pray as compassionate Christians for those who receive blankets or shawls. Then, additional ones are assembled to give to those who need to know they are not alone by feeling this church family's strength, support, and/or consolation through receiving one of these creations. For more information or to express interest contact Faye Keller at 794-8099. .
To inquire about grief companioning please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 864-4712.