We invite you to consider becoming involved in the life and mission of St. Edward the Confessor Catholic Church. The prayer for all who visit us here is that God will continue to bless and strengthen you with His abiding love and peace. Journeying as a Catholic community, we embrace the mission of Jesus Christ, striving to live and spread Jesus' message of love, sharing our gifts through discipleship, liturgical celebration, spiritual formation and outreach.
Rest in Peace If you're interested in joining our parish, please click here and fill out the registration form! On October 12th, we will celebrate St. Edward Weekend by packing 40,176 meals for hungry people around the world! Sign up here! We also need to raise $16,000 in order to cover the cost of the meals. Please make checks payable to St. Edward Church and put RAH in the memo line. To donate online, visit the link above or go to WeShare, our online donation site. Thank you for your generosity! Click here for information and to register!Announcements
Upcoming Services
Welcome to St. Edward!
Rise Against Hunger 2024
Religious Ed 2024-25
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